Adrián García Ramos
Date of birth: September 3rd of 2010
Nationality: Guatemala
Position: Small Forward
Profile: Right hand
Height: 155.5 cm
Weight: 52.8 kg
Wing Spam:
I was born on September 23rd of 2010 in Guatemala City. I have been playing basketball since I was 6 years old. Currently I play at "M & M Academy" in the National Federation, playing as a Small Forward. Although my favorite sport is basketball, the first sport that I practiced and loved was gymnastics. As a various 'All Around' Champion in different National competitions, gymnastics helped me develop the strength, athleticism, and other physical attributes that I have today. I consider myself a very competitive, disciplined, responsible and respectful person. Currently I attend the Principe de Asturias School and I love to travel with my family.
I started playing basketball when I was 6 years old at M & M Academy in Guatemala and I've been a National federated player since then. In 2017 I won the U10 National Championship and a year later I started traveling to other parts of the country to compete. Here, I won 2nd place with the All-Stars team in my category. In 2021 I attended the ProSkills NBA Basketball Camp where I learned different techniques and was able to experience different high intensity trainings. This inspired me to become a better player.
Average Total Touches Per Game
Left 34%
Right 66%
Leg Use
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